Z miłości do piersiMam na imię Anna. Zawsze bałam się raka piersi. Wystąpił po obu stronach mojej rodziny. Wierzyłam, że to też moje przeznaczenie. I...
Il seno con amoreIl mio nome è Anna. Ho sempre avuto paura del cancro al seno. Ci sono stati casi da entrambi i lati della mia famiglia. Era solo una...
In love with my boobiesMy name is Anna. I was always afraid of breast cancer. There were cases on both sides of my family. It seemed like fate. And then the day...
That's how I opened the jar!Let me tell you how I became a feminist. It all began in Ojców, Poland, many years ago. At that time, I was a student addicted to...
Tra donneTra donne WARMIPURA Sacred Valley| Peru Alcuni anni fa ho terminato l'università di legge a Lima. Sono andata lì pensando di poter...
Między kobietamiMiędzy kobietami WARMIPURA Sacred Valley| Peru Kilka lat temu skończyłam studia prawnicze w Limie. Poszłam tam myśląc, że będę w stanie...
Among womenAmong women WARMIPURA Sacred Valley| Peru I went to the law school in Lima, Peru, thinking as a lawyer I will be able to design and apply...
Przeprogramować programowaniePrzeprogramować programowanie LABORATORIA Santiago| Chile Wiele z nas chce być kolejnym Billem Gatesem lub Stevem Jobsem, zaczynając od...
Riprogrammare il mondo ITRiprogrammare il mondo IT LABORATORIA Santiago| Chile Molti vorrebbero essere il nuovo Bill Gates o il nuovo Steve Jobs, partendo dal...
Recode codingRecode coding LABORATORIA Santiago| Chile Many want to be the next Bill Gates or the next Steve Jobs, starting from their backyard and...
Imparar facendoImparar facendo WOWOMAN Baku | Azerbaijan Zara Huseynova, 24 anni. Da 6 anni fondatrice e manager di un'azienda di abbigliamento che...
Ucz się w działaniuUcz się w działaniu WOWOMAN Baku | Azerbejdżan Zara Huseynova, 24 lata. Od 6 lat właścicielka biznesu odzieżowego zatrudniającego 15...