We believe everyone is a changemaker. There is no superhero, no enlighten government, NGO or institution that alone can change the world for better. We need each and every one of us to take a step and together we can make a difference.
We prepare people to become changemakers by giving them tools, inspiration, contacts, knowledge, experience and self-confidence. The standard Changemaker Course lasts 6 days and it is based on the Create Your Story, Change The World methodology. Among others, it includes the following topics:
Identifying main challenges both from a global and a local perspective
Developing key changemaker skills (identified through 120+ interviews with changemakers from all over the world; e.g. communication, teamwork, mindfulness, listening, empathy)
Identifying our own strengths, values and dreams
Planning, implementation and evaluation of a social project
Sharing the vision (collaborating with media, public speaking)
Looking for resources
According to needs, we also offer shorter versions of the Changemaker Course, such as a 4-day training or the Changemaker Weekend.
In collaboration with Fundacja Wyobraź sobie we designed and organized Changemaker Courses for children and youth.
As appetiser and introduction to the Changemaker Course we offer the Changemaker Game – a board game which allows us to share in an interactive way basic information about our project, the values it is based upon and, above all, changemaker stories from all over the world.
20 editions of the Changemaker Course for youth and/or adults, including special editions focused on Social Entrepreneurship, Global Education, Women Empowerment, Climate Change, Youth Wellbeing (Poland, Macedonia, Romania, Moldova, Italy, Scotland)
5 editions of the Changemaker Course for children (Poland)
3 editions of the Changemaker Weekend for youth and/or adults (Poland)
over 150 Changemaker Games in 20+ countries all over the world
Book with 17 educational scenarios for formal and non-formal educators working with children and youth which aim at empowering them to think globally and act locally. Visit the Changemaker ToolKit to find scenarios in various languages
Individual support for changemakers in form of coaching and/or mentoring